Yerba Mate Peach Mango

Yerba Mate Peach Mango

Regular price $3.25 Sale

AMAZ is an Organic Sparkling Yerba Mate Tea with Adaptogens for Natural Energy, Focus, & Immunity. It's Plant-based, Vegan, Zero Calories, Zero Sugar, 80mg Natural Organic Caffeine, and Keto Friendly. A delicious and healthy alternative to coffee, soda, and energy drinks. >Lemon Ginger: a fizzy classic with a superfood twist >Peach Mango: a tropical adventure into the Rainforest >Acai Blueberry: a light, smooth blend of the exotic and the traditional. AMAZ is built around Regenerative Agroforestry and the support of biodiversity in the Amazon Rainforest. We are proud to bring a tea packed with powerful Amazon ingredients while continuing to protect and regenerate the Amazon Rainforest. Every purchase of AMAZ is helping to make the earth a healthier planet: 2% OF OUR SALES SUPPORT SEEDING OF NATIVE FORESTS IN THE BRAZILIAN AMAZON. JOIN US!